Everyone is striving for success, but dealing with deadlines, challenges, goals and competition, People point fingers, cast blame and make excuse for their circumstances, however when we challenge people to do their part, success becomes the standard, not just words.
I have learned a lot about success in my NFL Career, in my Espn career and even the platform I’m on today with speaking and the head and health space, I have also learned a lot about success laying in Intensive care, going thru deep depression, learning how to read again, sitting in a chemotherapy chair battling cancer, along with open heart surgery.
All these successes have helped me help companies/people challenge people to use personal integrity to self-reflect and get them to ask themselves, “are you doing your part” it’s a great way to check in on oneself and get them to get everything out of their god given abilities. When you do that, you put people in charge, and they become more productive and peaceful.
Invest in yourself
Build a line of communication
Believing in your people
Don’t give me excuses, bring me solutions
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